Tuesday, July 22, 2014

First Calendula

I planted calendula from seed this year.  Today marked the blooming of my first calendula flower!  Oh, how exciting!  I wanted to share this moment with my sweet little Josephine, so I called her outside to show her the beautiful new addition to our garden.  Squeals of happiness followed.  "oh how pretty!" she exclaimed. 
I left her to enjoy the beauty of our one little flower bud.  The sweet little lonely flower bud that I was oh so proud of.  After all, I grew it from seed.  As a novice gardener, that felt like quite an accomplishment!  I walked away for just a moment, to pick some zucchini.
"Look, Mommy!  I got the pretty flower so we can bring it in the house and put it in my vase!" 
Oh no!  My heart sank.
But, she was so proud of her little sweet self.  How can I be mad at a face like that.

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