Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I'm sorry to admit that once again, I have been neglecting my poor little blog.  Here's a quick little life update:

1.  We're moving!!  We found a lovely house with raised garden beds and a sweet little chicken coop already in place!  And the house itself is beautiful.  And so much bigger than where we are now.  We will be moving in on August 1.  Looking forward to planting some broccoli, cauliflower, and radishes for fall harvesting! 

2.  Josephine's favorite words lately:  "I LOVE IT!!!"   She says it with such enthusiasm.  I love her!

3.  I am currently working on a huge rag rug, made from recycled sari silk.  Also, a dress for Josephine is in the works, from this pattern.  Pics coming soon!